

                With BPM and AI in a few steps into the Digital Age



With the first non-binding consultation we start the information phase. Call us now to make an appointment.




Our Methodology/Procedure and our Platform help to prepare the digital transformation in four steps.



We accompany you at every transformation step and ensure that the digital transformation is implemented in a sustainable manner.



Even after a successful implementation, we will not leave you on your own - we will stay involved and support you in further increasing the digital maturity level or in further optimizing your processes.

Call us*
Americas: +1 206 299 09 22 
International:  +41 44 533 04 30

We look forward to the first dialog*




AppWorks: Business Process Management Suite (BPMS)
with low-code development tools

From strategy to business success, there is a long way to go: We know the shortcuts. BPM is more than just a tool or methodology. By implementing a suitable BPM strategy, corporate goals can be achieved much faster than with conventional approaches - especially in the field of Digital Transformation. When selecting tools, as they say: 'what's better' is the enemy of 'what's good'. In the BPM environment, many BPMS solutions are offered - but few deliver what they promise when it comes to implementing the BPM strategy at all levels. In order to be able to act quickly and agile in the melting pot between business model, business strategy and IT infrastructure, OpenText AppWorks is a proven tool, as it includes all the necessary levels for orchestrating business processes as well as IT applications. This makes it easier and faster to implement strategies.


Business Process Management System (BPMS)

BPMS is the main component for web-based modeling and execution of processes.

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Dynamic Case Management (DCM)

Workflow is so yesterday. With Dynamic case Management as part of the BPMS, you can also support the processes of your knowledge workers.

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Business Process Intelligence (iBPM)

Smarter decisions with more transparent data, visualized in real-time on BPMS dashboards.

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Business Rules Management (BRM)

Easily model complex rules and provide them as a service (SOA) to BPMS - simple and ingenious!

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Master Data Management (MDM)

In the Digital Age, data are the new gold! MDM as part of BPMS helps securing the quality of your data across all your systems.

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Enterprise Service Bus (ESB)

The Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) of the BPMS offers an ESB to link not SOA-capable systems.

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Composite Application Framework (CAF)

With CAF you can create user-friendly Webinterfaces in the BPMS with data from various sources.

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Enterprise Mobility (EMO)

In the Digital Age it's 'Mobile First'. All BPMS applications can be published and used as mobile apps.

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Entity Modeling

A powerful new feature: Entity Modeling for the definition of business objects in BPMS, their relationships and the presentation on the web or on mobile devices.

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Successful Projects

Fascinating References and Testimonials


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Alpiq InTec AG

Digital Transformation / Authorization Management


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Management Cloud Resources / ITSM Automation


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Operational Excellence: GRC / ISO27001


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IDC Video on BPMS

IDC BPMS MarketScape Excerpt

About Us

OpenText AppWorks (formerly known as CORDYS BOP) is the platform for digital transformation, enabling companies to adapt faster and more agile to market conditions. Especially in the field of digital transformation, the automation of processes and the centering on customers and employees.


Get In Touch

  • Grossmünsterplatz 1, CH-8001 Zürich
  • CH/EU: +41 44 533 04 30 
  • US:       +1 206 299 09 22
  • getintouch(at)